Jen’s Mediterranean Chickpea Salad - I think this salad is better made hours or a day or two ahead of time. I make it on Sunday and eat it for lunch or use it as a salad with whatever we are having for dinner during the week. You can add or take away from this salad as your food preferences allow.
2 cans of chickpeas drained and rinsed
1 can black beans drained and rinsed
1 cup frozen corn (optional)
2 cups of cherry tomatoes
1 cucumber diced
2 bell peppers diced
1 small red onion sliced thin
3.8oz can sliced black olives or kalamata olives
6-8 ounces feta cheese
½ cup olive oil
2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice (or the juice of one lemon)
2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard (optional)
1 tablespoon of diced garlic
1 teaspoon of dried oregano
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper
⅓ cup of lightly dried parsley
Whisk together dressing ingredients in a small bowl or add to a mason jar with a lid and shake. Pour over the salad and mix well. Place in the fridge and serve cold.

Lemon Cucumber Water
1 washed cucumber thin sliced
1 washed sliced lemon
Wash and slice the cucumber and lemon, place in a gallon container for 2 hours or the night before is preferred. Make sure to drink it all gone!

Migraine sufferers rejoice! There is a NEW medication on the market. Nurtec ODT (rimegepant). This is the first drug of its kind to not only treat acute migraine pain but also helps to prevent further migraines for up to 48 hours. The “3 day migraine” person has to keep taking medications to prevent the headache from returning. By using this medication the hope would be, one dose and no return of the same headache. How cool is that?
Remember; It does not matter if the pain caused the weight or if weight caused the pain. I am here to help. I have put together a free guide with my most helpful tactics and added tracking pages as well. You can download the guide here.

I would love to hear your thoughts, questions and concerns. What topics are you most concerned with or interested in? I would love to address these in upcoming newsletters. Here are some possible topics; mindset, motivation, exercise, journaling, family dinners, relationships, meal planning, sleep, menus, recipes (crock pot, air fryer, cook top, oven, grill). You can just reply directly to this email.
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Until next time friends, Jen xx